As soon as November 1st strikes midnight it is officially time to start your holiday shopping through the eyes of brands and department stores. In this post, I want to share with you some tips on how you can be a minimalist in the season of giving.
How to be a Minimalist During The Holidays
Invest in classic holiday decor rather than trendy pieces
Try sticking to red and green holiday decor because it never goes out of style. Also, don’t go overboard on decorations because it means that you will need more storage space to keep it, and we are all forever in need of more storage space!
Give gift cards as presents
Instead of gifting unnecessary items as presents get your loved ones’ gift cards from stores, they will actually purchase from. If you find giving gift cards impersonal, then make an effort to ask the person what they want so you don’t create excessive clutter in their lives. In addition, always include gift receipts just in case.
Donate to charities
One essential part of minimalism is giving back to things outside of yourself. Take the time during the holiday season, to donate your gently used items especially winter coats to GoodWills and other organizations. You can also donate to charities that you support to help others not only during the holidays but every day.
Don’t grocery shop in excess
When grocery shopping for the holidays, use a shopping list and try not to stray from it. This will make the process go a lot smoother and it will stop you from wasting food and indulging in too many chocolates or candy cane flavoured things.
Gift an Experience
Planning or scheduling a specific get together with someone is better than any item wrapped up in a bow. Gift a concert, day trip, or dinner with someone you love. It has much more meaning.
Are you a minimalist holiday shopper?
Let me know!